Pawtucket Hall of Fame Chair
Meet Patricia Zacks, a lifelong resident of Pawtucket and co-founder of THE CAMERA WERKS, one of the last independently-owned camera shops in Rhode Island. For over 30 years, the full-service store has been a force in the community, sponsoring photo contests and empowering local artists and young students. Committed to her hometown, Pat has helped grow its annual Arts Festival and was the founding President of the Pawtucket Arts Collaborative. "I've always been about community, and valuing and preserving memories."

Board of Directors
Patricia S. Zacks, Chair (PHOF ‘11)
Diane Dufresne, Vice-Chair
Larry Monastesse, Treasurer
David Deloge, Secretary
Board Members
Cheryl Babiec (PHOF ‘10)
Robert E. Benson
Sandra L. Benson
Wendy Jencks
Mary Ellen Minton
Carlos Spinola
Neil D. Steinberg (PHOF ‘19)
Herb Weiss